Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pool time with Poppy

Mornings by the pool with my little man and a good cup of coffee.

I don't blame you. Coffee is way better than milk.

You got this cool new chair and seem to like it.

LOVE Da-Toes

Auntie "Drama"

You are about 2 and a half months old. Not sure what that is an girl time...about 1 million seven hundred and 28 seconds, give or take.

You have been spending time out and about this week with Kaitlynn O'Conner. Kait is known to me as "Drama". She always brings news, smiles, excitement, and drama to our home and we Love her.

Kait has a wonderful voice and plays paino. She Loves you very much and will be a safe place for you forever.

Kait Goes to College in Pensicloa, Fl and is here visiting before she goes home for the summer. Her Family lives in Graham Washington near Seattle. Her Mom and dad are Tina and James (A.K.A. Uncle Ernie). She has a brother named James and a sister Bridie. Kait is 19 and she and your Momma have known each other for about 10 years.

Pictures below are of the "Jelly Fish Trip" to Quarter master Harbor on Vashon Island. The girls were all still in High school and life was very simple then.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Good Morning Grandson,

Yesterday I got up and got myself all ready for work. I had some breakfast and picked out a good shirt for the day. As usual, before I left the house we had some time to talk. You were a bit cranky and decided to yak up your last meal on my fresh outfit. I decided to take a towel to the damage and go about my day anyways. Sure, many noticed and some even asked what that was. I proudly told them. 

Tomorrow you will meet Kate. She always brings a plenty of fun drama to our house and we love her. I think you will too.  

You are 10 weeks old today.

Here's to you Emmett,


Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Mulligan

In golf, a mulligan is a retaken shot on the first tee box, usually due to a previously errant one. Traditionally, mulligans are allowed only on the first tee shot (one per round) and are not just taken at any time of the golfer's choosing. It is sometimes called a "Finnegan" when the second shot is worse than the first. Similarly if the third shot is worse yet, players can utter "Branagan" to retake the shot. A fourth time and the player must shout "Flanergan". Golf tournaments held for charity may even sell mulligans to collect more money for the charity.
Some social golf games also allow one mulligan per nine holes (thus two for a round of 18).

 With Life a mulligan is never guaranteed, but often wished for.

Sure, we would love to have one when we are sitting on the side of the road under that bright white light and colored flashers in the rear view mirror as you wait for that State Trooper to make first contact asking for your Drivers License. Officer, I'd ask, can I get a mulligan on this one?

How about that math test? As the Teacher walked the rows of desks laying a closed folder on each. You know you should have studdied last night but the party was too tempting. Why did I stay up so late? As she walks to the front of the class explaining the rules and time limits of the the final exam, you wish you could find the courage to ask, Can I get a Mulligan on this one please?

We have all lived these moments in one way or another and life rarely bends to our wishes for a little help. There are those times, however, life gives one up.

I will tell you someday (not on this blog) how baddly I tried to screw up my life and how, if not for the love of Family and friends and the Grace of God, I'd be lost and alone. Infact, I've been blessed with a bunch of Mulligans in a row for no apparent reason. I appreciate them and fully understand where they come from.

Show up on time, work hard, love your Family, pay your bills, don't speed, don't cheat. are just a few rules to keep you from wishing on a mulligan.

I beleive you are a Mulligan. I didn't do a very good jub first time I had a baby in my house. I didn't damage my relationship with my daughter (your Mom) on purpose, I just didn't have the skills to understand where I was going wrong. 

Now that I have another youngster in my house, you, I'm enjoying every minute.

Today you are a little over two months old. This morning you and I sat poolside with our feet in the water soaking up the sun. You can stand on your own!

You are a Joy and I Love you,
