Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

5 Months


Happy 5 month Birthday. I will post some pictures soon of your latest adventures.

Your Poppy Loves you very much.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bed Time Stories


Your Momma gave me a book as a gift called "Where the sidewalk ends". It's a book of Poems for kids written by Shel Silverstein. Some stories are funny and some are a bit dark. I read you some the other night while you were spending some time in your jumper. Must have been my monotone voice or lack of reading skill, I don't know. I put you to sleep in no time. I always wondered if it was me that made people yawn when I spoke. Before I was offended by that, but now I consider it a gift.

You will be 4 and a half months old this weekend.

I Love you,
