Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Almost 4 months old now

Hey there Grandson,

Almost 4 months old now! 4th of July right around the corner. This is Poppy's Fav Holiday. Christmas is good too but the 4th of July is THE BEST! I hope we get to do something fun together that day.

You stand and can walk with help. You grip fingers very well and have your fist in your mouth most of the time. It is crazy how much fluid comes out of your mouth! Soon you will have teeth.

I bought you a pool float last week but we've been so busy and haven't had a chance to use it. It looks a lot like a walker but the tray portion has two rings with air in them, like an inner tube off a bike.

Grandma and Momma have been very busy with you and decided to get you a jumping machine in an effort to keep you occupied so they could get some house work done. This monster has a dozen toys that go all the way around you. They make noise and blink when you hit them. You don't really have control over what you grab or hit but you do make contact with most of the items. This thing allows you to stand and use your legs to jump up and down. It's spring loaded to help you bounce. Your legs are a bit too short so we put a box under you to help your feet touch. You LOVE this thing!

You were doing a lot of time in your swing watching cartoons and listening to children's music. This didn't last very long and you seem much happier in the new toy. I know the ladies are getting more time to themselves because you are playing on your own.

Momma says you sleep good sometimes and other nights not so good. She is amazing! I would be a major crank pot if I only got a few hours of sleep at a time.

She and I went to Five Guys last week on our date. You will like this place and I hope we get to go together soon. They have free peanuts you through on the floor and great big nasty messy burgers.

You are the light of our lives. You are a wonderful boy with a pleasant smile.

I love you and miss you very much,


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