Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Update on you at 3 months

I guess it's time for me to tell you a little about what you are doing these days.

You can sit up with help from a leg, pillow, or dog behind you.

You slobber a lot and we think you will begin showing teeth any day.

You sleep through the night every once and a while but mostly like to nap and eat. Your Momma doesn't like this at all.

We can hold your hands or body and you will try and walk. You can stand on own with a little help to balance.

You LOVE the water! Good thing, because this family does water a lot.

You are starting to grab things. You like ceiling fans and cartoons.

You and I sit for an hour or two each day while the ladies have their time. We sit by the pool, read, talk and laugh.

You are the heart of our home and I love you more than I could ever say. I hope you read this when you get older and realize how special you are to all of us.



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