Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Kerry Brown

Good morning Grandson,

There will be a few people in life you will bond with, most of which will be Family. There are many reasons we develop a close relationships with people outside Family too. I have a special relationships with Joe and Stu because we served in the Military together, went to school together, and were roommates. Bubba Layson and I fish together and served in the Church together. Ken Piper and I have a close relationship founded on competition and respect. There are some from school like Juan Munoz and Aaron Warburton, others from work like Matt Wallitner and Randy Stockman, and even a couple from that neighborhood I grew up in named Steve and Tim.

I hope you find friends like the ones I have been blessed to list. Friends that will sit with you through tough times, see you for who you are down deep and stand with you anyway. There are others but none have a place in my heart like this guy.

He and I have shared many different experiences together. Many have to do with fishing and boating, and we have spent our share or time waist deep in the fishing holes around western Washington fantasizing about that next giant Chinook Salmon we were going to yank out of the river. We've limited on halibut off the Canadian coast at a place called 'Blue Dot". Killed it in Illwaco fishing for Sturgeon. Drove 3 hours each way to fish the Tootle river along the foothills of Mt. St Helens. Surfing our boat down huge waves in the mouth of the Johns river. Fishing the Bar at westport. Whale watching in the San Juans with our wives. We share a love for a lady on Lopez Island named Holly B. She makes the greatest Peach-Marion berry Danish of all time.

Names that turn our heads and draw a secret smile include: James Island, Fishermans bay, Carbon, Satsup, Skycomish, skookumchuck, Tootle, Puyallup, Green, Buoy 10, Wash away beach, Johns river, West Port, Neah Bay, Point defiance, and Quartermaster Harbor. These are just a few places we fish, crab, and boat.

All those fun things just scratch the surface of moments we have shared. Sure those times were fun and the pictures and memories will live as long as we do. There are other times less reminisced about, but way more important. Times like running wire at 3am just 12 hours before an important Church event, 3 days straight setting up for Youth Conference, rigging fireworks for weeks and cleaning up afterwards, fussing with Police and violent neighbors about noise complaints, Permit applications with the county, working on sound gear, video systems, setting up tables and chairs, serving hot dogs, stacking pallets, hauling porta potties, and the list goes on. Those times spent working in the Church are the ones that matter. Those times spent in service for others are the ones that bind men. 

This baby is you at 8 weeks and this man is my best friend. His Name is Kerry Brown and he is the Pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Williams California.

    You will know him as Grandpa

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