Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The sweetest lady of all time

Young Emmett,

Meet your Great-Great Grandma. Let me make this make more sence to you if I can. Your Momma's name is Jess, her Momma (your Grandma) is Wendy and she lives with me here in Florida, Wendy's Momma's name is Sue (Your Great Grandma who lives in Oysterville. Wa) and Sues Momma's name is Margie. Margie lives in the way out in the high desert in southern California. She has been married 2 times, both wonderful men who past away before their time. More on those two guys another time.

Margie and Faye are sisters. You might remember you met Faye and Vergil a few Posts ago, they live in San Pedro California near Long beach.

You will love her for her candy and apple turnovers. You will love where she lives for the adventure, sunrises, jackrabbits, stars, and Joshua Trees. You may find Great-Great grandma Margie and Grandma to have a very similar personality, I do. Always a smile from those two.

Be ALERT because she will try and squeeze your face off when you're not looking!

She is a treasure to our Family.

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