Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Update on Momma and our outdoor adventure

Good morning Little Man,

94 days and you will be here!

Momma has had another ruff night and today she is resting. She is having headaches along with a swollen throat. We have some fear she may have to go to the Doctors tomorrow if things don't clear up. This stage of pregnancy you are almost fully formed and it is common for babies your size to get sick. Moms body is also changing fast and this might be why she is feeling so bad. The fear that things can change very fast has her and Grandma very worried.

We tried a new Church today but it wasn't a good fit. People seemed sad and there wasn't much joy there. Next week we will go back to McGregor, we really like it there and I'm sure you will too.

On a lighter note,

Grandma and I drove to the Cape to check on the new house and see if they were starting to move their things yet. No one was there so we walked to the rear of the house to look at some things we need to change after we move in.

She screamed and I ran! Chest high in a bush was a 6 inch long baby corn snake. It was sleeping in the sun, in the cup of a large leaf on a bush. We had no idea if it was poisonous so we walked around the other way careful not to wake it up.

There are many snake varieties here so we will have to be careful we educate ourselves on the ones that can hurt us.

I guess there is a bunch of ways you can get yourself killed here in Florida and I look forward to exploring all those options with you very soon.

We are going to have such a great time freaking out the girls with our pets, hobbies and activities. Hurry and get here will ya!?!

Your Poppy Loves you.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Big news today!

Hey little man,

26 weeks of cook'n in mommas tummy and today you opened your eyes. They say your eye lids have been fused shut until now. You can look around and even move your head.

Yesterday was a super fun day and your first trip to the beach. We thought it was the best thanksgiving ever. I hope we can do it again next year and I promise to bring your sand toys. 

Momma had a rough night last night. She thinks you rotated in he tummy and thinks your feet are higher this morning. I'm think this is normal. You will learn soon enough that you use caution when speculating about what ladies are going through. 

Today is an off day for me and your Grandma and I are going to take our Motorcycles to a popular windsurfing spot to meet some people. We love the water and can't wait to take you there. 

Momma is going to her first Church social tonight. They are going to play Volley Ball, have dinner, and watch a movie. She has met some good friends so far and hopes to meet more tonight. 

We have been in Florida for a little over a month now and you will join us in only 96 days!

I Love you Emmett,


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving little man!

Good morning Emmett,

Your Momma, Grandma, and I are having breakfast watching the Macy's Thanksgiving day Parade in New York City and eating some yummy omelets. The weather is warm again here today and we are enjoying the sunshine outside. We love to sit by the pool in the morning drink coffee and talk about you.

Today we are excited because we only have 97 more days until you join us. We had some discussion last night about the options of your birth. Your Momma wants to get in a pool and let you come out under water. They call that "water birth".  I think, if I were a girl, I would like to be knocked out and have someone wake me up when you were 4. We will see how this all goes down in the next few months. I know one thing...I can't wait!

We are all getting ready for an unusual Thanksgiving. We are loading the truck with chairs, coolers, cold drinks, and some books. Yup we're headed to the beach with a bucket of fried chicken! We love going new places. Sometimes we find special places that way. When that place is extra special we will visit again and even give it a special funny name so we are the only ones that know where we are going. We are alone here and wanted to get out and do something fun to get over our home sickness. We miss our families and that's why we are so excited for you to get here. 

I'd better start helping out with the packing so I'll talk to you soon and let you know how things went at the beach. 

I love you already,


Introducing "Aunt" Kelsey. This is the beginning of a long list of girls you will be required to call Aunt.

Hey, E! 

This is your Aunt Kelsey. Though I realize you won't be reading this for a very long time, I want you to know that I love you so much. Your momma and I talk about you all the time - about how adorably you are going to be, about the smiles that you will bring to the family (though you have already brought many), and about what great and wonderful things God has in store for you.

    I pray for you every day. I pray that you will see God's love in every situation. I pray that you will grow to be a godly man of faith. I pray that you will learn all that you can about everything you can, whether it be in school, on the water, on a sports field, or anywhere else.

    Just so you know, you are to be born into an amazing (and somewhat crazy) family. We are a fun group of people, and I hope that you will enjoy us as much as we do. :) Your momma is a great woman who loves you very much. She prays for you and cries for you and has the biggest dreams for your life; make sure you love her and take care of her... and be sure to hug her whenever you get the chance. Your grandparents are amazing people as well. They have been a very big part of your life so far, and I know that they will continue to love you as you grow older. Be sure to love them, too. They are very wonderful to you.

    Emmett, I love you very much. I cannot wait to meet you; hopefully, I will get to see you while I'm in Florida this summer or maybe when I get back home to Washington and you come to visit. I can hardly wait for you to learn more about you and your family. Like I said before, we are a crazy bunch, but we love you so much!

Aunt Kelsey

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Your Great GrandParents - Edward W and Mary Ann Bass

Dear Baby Emmitt:  

We would like you to meet your great grandparents called by most,  Mom Mom and Pop Pop but you may call us anything you wish.

We are from South Eastern PA, were both born during WWII. We spent our teen years Driving a 55 Chevy, weekends at drive in movies and listening to Elvis and Bobby Daren on the radio. Rock-n-roll started when we were teens and TV was black and white in those days. We were married the year President Kennedy was shot and enjoyed watching Neal Armstrong walk on the moon. 

We moved to Eastern Washington in 1980 and have been here ever since. 

We are the proud parents of your Poppy, in-laws to your Grandma Wendel and grandparents to your mommy.   Welcome to our family or better said “your family”.  

We are more than excited to soon meet you in only 98 days and to love all over you.  Our first glance at your 19 week ultra sound assures us you are going to be a very handsome boy.   Your mommy has framed us a picture of you so we can see you each day and share in her excitement.   Under the picture it says, “Love at First Sight”.

We are praying for your mommy and you as she prepares to bring you into this world.  The joy you are going to bring to her cannot be expressed in words. 


your Mom Mom and Pop Pop.

______________________________________________________________________________________________ said...


There are some things you need to know about Your Great Grand Parents that they were to too shy to say on this blog.

Let's start with the "The Mommom".

 She appears quiet and maybe a bit reserved but don't let that fool you. When fun is around she wants to be apart. Now there is a clear definition of fun to her. It does not include speed, water, heights, cold, load noises, woods, heat, canned meat, or wind.

Important!! If you do things people like, you will benefit in closer friendships and they will sometimes buy you things. Example...Mommom likes to shop. This means she will need someone to carry her things, open her door, and wait. In return you will get a good lunch a great cup off coffee and at least 2 shirts and a toy.

She loves group events to include car shows, concerts, parades and holiday meals. Christmas is her fav! You need to know we don't take her picture...ever!

She likes the beach, seafood, a good meal out and people watching. Mommom likes to go to movies.
She is a great photographer and spends much of her personal time taking pictures for friends and family during special events. Never, ever, ever take her picture!

Her parents have long since passed. She has 4 brothers (2 living) and 2 sisters.

Her friends call her Mary, Maryann, Mar's, mom, and mommom. She is a safe place for you.

She gives you a funny bone and your creative look into the things around you.


Now for Poppop,

Ed, Eddie, Bass, son, dad are a few names I know about. I will fill you in on some funner names when you are older.

Grew up a musician playing the Sax and clarinet. I understand his dad didn't care much for that but that didn't stop Poppop from following his musical dreams. He left home at 18 and went to drafting school and a lifetime of interesting jobs followed. Jobs that included designing dental tools, hair driers, space suit parts for the space program, a few boeing jets including the B777. He was a supervisor at a steel mill, and an engineer at the Hanford site (home of the Manhatten Project of the 1940's).
He is a Christian, a sunday school teacher and a soul winner. He overcame his past and parted ways with the bad habits from his youth. Here is a life lesson that there is always a place in God for you no matter where you come from.
His parents are also gone now and he has 2 sisters and 2 brothers.
          Don't get me wrong he is not perfect and neither are we. He loves to dream of adventure and has realized some adventures in his life. He is an Aviator with certifications in a Piper J3 Cub, Cessna 120, 140, 150, 152, 170, 182, Beach Bananza BE-35, Piper PA-28, and Rutan designed long-easy. He once built an airplane in his basement and had to cut the wall out because he measured wrong and it was too big to fit any other way.

He loves to hike, camp, fish, explore, kayak. We tease him about a 3 day time limit on his travels but I think he is better about that these days.

He loves the ocean and sailing and I get the impression he has never really achieved his goals on the water. He and I have sailed a Chrysler Buckeneer, 17 ft hobie cat, a rocket (which he rebuilt), a house boat, a green 20 something, a blue and white something. I have many funny and exciting stories about those days that I will be glad to share with you, just remind me.

He hunts and fishes. Loves bird hunting with a shotgun. I've never been impressed with his marksmanship because he always let me shoot first. He probably is a good shot.

He loves the space program, rockets, and model airplanes. Never much of a jock, I have seen him swing a bat from time to time. He likes to bowl, ice skate, ski and am told he was a pretty good golfer. He is right handed but swings a club lefty.

He is deep. Sensitive and hard on himself. Sometimes he is a bit of a critic but I think he knows it. A smart man with the ability to learn anything he sets his mind to. I think He has done everything at least once.

He's built a garage, remodeled a house, put on a roof, built an airplane, rebuilt an old airplane, rebuilt many cars and engines, designed and built a car from scratch, made furniture, plastic molds, wooden kayaks, tools, metal parts, and I could go on.

He turns 69 this year. He has cancer now and is in treatment. He has to have an operation around the time you are born and has expressed sadness that he will not be able to travel here for that.

We will do our best to impart his heart of adventure and ability to try anything. He is where you get your skills to try and ability to do anything with your hands.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Here's Da-Momma

Hey Little Man,

I thought I'd fill you in on the people you belong to and what better place to start then the Lady you will soon depend on for everything. Let's make this a kind of reverse family tree with pictures.

She is Momma to you,  a few call her Ca-Ca,  Jess to most and Daughter to me. 

She is 6 months pregnant with you now and you can see her "baby Bump". She plays piano and has an amazing voice too. I know she sings to you at night when you keep her up. Tonight at dinner we wondered if you can hear the music she sings and plays for you. People say you can hear it but I'm not so sure. I guess I will know if you ever express your love for James Taylor tunes. JT is our family Favorite. 

Momma is 20 and was born October 9th at Madigan Army Medical Center on Fort Lewis in Washington. We were afraid we would get her mixed up with other babies at the hospital so I followed her all around no matter what nurse had her. Later when she finally made it to the nursery I was relieved to discover she was the only white baby in the maternity ward. 

Clarence Thomas was in the news the week she was born. He is now a Supreme Court Judge. 1991 was the year.

She was a sweet little kid and started playing piano on the first day of first grade. All those years later and she is really a great pianist. I figure by the time you read this you are also a great musician and fisherman. 

 She is strong, smart and full of love and compassion. She will be the best mom and I wanted you to know how special she is. She was never much for sports or fitness but enjoys watching playoff baseball.  She loves animals but has allergies to most of them. I think she would be willing to have anything but a cat. 

Did you know she built her own first car? Yup, 1972 VW Beetle. Did you know she crashed her first car? Yup, a 1972 VW Beetle. When you have trouble checking oil, changing tires or adjusting a carb...don't worry she can help you. 

She will support all your adventures. She will be the rock in your life, Love her with all your heart. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hey Little man,

Today is Sunday Nov 20th. Last night Momma, Grandma and I spent a couple hours together making your website. We laughed and made fun of your Ultrasound and wondered what you would look like. I figured it didn't matter much because fish don't care much what the fisherman looks like, only girls care. I defended you as those two girls laughed about the size of your head. More room for brains I told them!

You're gonna love it here it's sunny and warm and there's a pool waiting for you to swim in. Now we live in Estero Florida and will move into our new house in Cape Coral next month. You're gonna love Momma and Grandma too. they are a hoot and can't wait to spoil you. I thnk I might be a little excited also.

Momma is 6 months along now and you are making quite a bump on her tummy. She thinks she is fat but we think she is beautiful.

You might notice Grandma is real pretty and you will be thrilled to know you are on the short list of boys that get to hold her hand. She is my best friend and I think you two will hit it off right away. I hope you find one like her when you grow up.

We three went to our new Church today. There are lots of things there for you to do and we are excited to see what God will do in your life.

We have a lot of people to introduce you to and we hope this website will be a great place for that to happen. Maybe they will include a picture of themselves when they post so you will remember who they are.

Talk to you tomorrow,


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ultra Sound from 10 and 19 weeks

Ultra sound at 10 weeks. 

19 weeks and 10 ounces.
19 weeks

19 weeks

Welcome to the World Wide Web Little Man.

   May I introduce to you Emmitt's new website. This little guy is due to arrive in early March 2012. Follow us as we post stories and pictures of our new little addition.

Welcome little guy,

Your Poppy loves you.