Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Your Great GrandParents - Edward W and Mary Ann Bass

Dear Baby Emmitt:  

We would like you to meet your great grandparents called by most,  Mom Mom and Pop Pop but you may call us anything you wish.

We are from South Eastern PA, were both born during WWII. We spent our teen years Driving a 55 Chevy, weekends at drive in movies and listening to Elvis and Bobby Daren on the radio. Rock-n-roll started when we were teens and TV was black and white in those days. We were married the year President Kennedy was shot and enjoyed watching Neal Armstrong walk on the moon. 

We moved to Eastern Washington in 1980 and have been here ever since. 

We are the proud parents of your Poppy, in-laws to your Grandma Wendel and grandparents to your mommy.   Welcome to our family or better said “your family”.  

We are more than excited to soon meet you in only 98 days and to love all over you.  Our first glance at your 19 week ultra sound assures us you are going to be a very handsome boy.   Your mommy has framed us a picture of you so we can see you each day and share in her excitement.   Under the picture it says, “Love at First Sight”.

We are praying for your mommy and you as she prepares to bring you into this world.  The joy you are going to bring to her cannot be expressed in words. 


your Mom Mom and Pop Pop.

______________________________________________________________________________________________ said...


There are some things you need to know about Your Great Grand Parents that they were to too shy to say on this blog.

Let's start with the "The Mommom".

 She appears quiet and maybe a bit reserved but don't let that fool you. When fun is around she wants to be apart. Now there is a clear definition of fun to her. It does not include speed, water, heights, cold, load noises, woods, heat, canned meat, or wind.

Important!! If you do things people like, you will benefit in closer friendships and they will sometimes buy you things. Example...Mommom likes to shop. This means she will need someone to carry her things, open her door, and wait. In return you will get a good lunch a great cup off coffee and at least 2 shirts and a toy.

She loves group events to include car shows, concerts, parades and holiday meals. Christmas is her fav! You need to know we don't take her picture...ever!

She likes the beach, seafood, a good meal out and people watching. Mommom likes to go to movies.
She is a great photographer and spends much of her personal time taking pictures for friends and family during special events. Never, ever, ever take her picture!

Her parents have long since passed. She has 4 brothers (2 living) and 2 sisters.

Her friends call her Mary, Maryann, Mar's, mom, and mommom. She is a safe place for you.

She gives you a funny bone and your creative look into the things around you.


Now for Poppop,

Ed, Eddie, Bass, son, dad are a few names I know about. I will fill you in on some funner names when you are older.

Grew up a musician playing the Sax and clarinet. I understand his dad didn't care much for that but that didn't stop Poppop from following his musical dreams. He left home at 18 and went to drafting school and a lifetime of interesting jobs followed. Jobs that included designing dental tools, hair driers, space suit parts for the space program, a few boeing jets including the B777. He was a supervisor at a steel mill, and an engineer at the Hanford site (home of the Manhatten Project of the 1940's).
He is a Christian, a sunday school teacher and a soul winner. He overcame his past and parted ways with the bad habits from his youth. Here is a life lesson that there is always a place in God for you no matter where you come from.
His parents are also gone now and he has 2 sisters and 2 brothers.
          Don't get me wrong he is not perfect and neither are we. He loves to dream of adventure and has realized some adventures in his life. He is an Aviator with certifications in a Piper J3 Cub, Cessna 120, 140, 150, 152, 170, 182, Beach Bananza BE-35, Piper PA-28, and Rutan designed long-easy. He once built an airplane in his basement and had to cut the wall out because he measured wrong and it was too big to fit any other way.

He loves to hike, camp, fish, explore, kayak. We tease him about a 3 day time limit on his travels but I think he is better about that these days.

He loves the ocean and sailing and I get the impression he has never really achieved his goals on the water. He and I have sailed a Chrysler Buckeneer, 17 ft hobie cat, a rocket (which he rebuilt), a house boat, a green 20 something, a blue and white something. I have many funny and exciting stories about those days that I will be glad to share with you, just remind me.

He hunts and fishes. Loves bird hunting with a shotgun. I've never been impressed with his marksmanship because he always let me shoot first. He probably is a good shot.

He loves the space program, rockets, and model airplanes. Never much of a jock, I have seen him swing a bat from time to time. He likes to bowl, ice skate, ski and am told he was a pretty good golfer. He is right handed but swings a club lefty.

He is deep. Sensitive and hard on himself. Sometimes he is a bit of a critic but I think he knows it. A smart man with the ability to learn anything he sets his mind to. I think He has done everything at least once.

He's built a garage, remodeled a house, put on a roof, built an airplane, rebuilt an old airplane, rebuilt many cars and engines, designed and built a car from scratch, made furniture, plastic molds, wooden kayaks, tools, metal parts, and I could go on.

He turns 69 this year. He has cancer now and is in treatment. He has to have an operation around the time you are born and has expressed sadness that he will not be able to travel here for that.

We will do our best to impart his heart of adventure and ability to try anything. He is where you get your skills to try and ability to do anything with your hands.