Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Update on Momma and our outdoor adventure

Good morning Little Man,

94 days and you will be here!

Momma has had another ruff night and today she is resting. She is having headaches along with a swollen throat. We have some fear she may have to go to the Doctors tomorrow if things don't clear up. This stage of pregnancy you are almost fully formed and it is common for babies your size to get sick. Moms body is also changing fast and this might be why she is feeling so bad. The fear that things can change very fast has her and Grandma very worried.

We tried a new Church today but it wasn't a good fit. People seemed sad and there wasn't much joy there. Next week we will go back to McGregor, we really like it there and I'm sure you will too.

On a lighter note,

Grandma and I drove to the Cape to check on the new house and see if they were starting to move their things yet. No one was there so we walked to the rear of the house to look at some things we need to change after we move in.

She screamed and I ran! Chest high in a bush was a 6 inch long baby corn snake. It was sleeping in the sun, in the cup of a large leaf on a bush. We had no idea if it was poisonous so we walked around the other way careful not to wake it up.

There are many snake varieties here so we will have to be careful we educate ourselves on the ones that can hurt us.

I guess there is a bunch of ways you can get yourself killed here in Florida and I look forward to exploring all those options with you very soon.

We are going to have such a great time freaking out the girls with our pets, hobbies and activities. Hurry and get here will ya!?!

Your Poppy Loves you.

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