Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Big news today!

Hey little man,

26 weeks of cook'n in mommas tummy and today you opened your eyes. They say your eye lids have been fused shut until now. You can look around and even move your head.

Yesterday was a super fun day and your first trip to the beach. We thought it was the best thanksgiving ever. I hope we can do it again next year and I promise to bring your sand toys. 

Momma had a rough night last night. She thinks you rotated in he tummy and thinks your feet are higher this morning. I'm think this is normal. You will learn soon enough that you use caution when speculating about what ladies are going through. 

Today is an off day for me and your Grandma and I are going to take our Motorcycles to a popular windsurfing spot to meet some people. We love the water and can't wait to take you there. 

Momma is going to her first Church social tonight. They are going to play Volley Ball, have dinner, and watch a movie. She has met some good friends so far and hopes to meet more tonight. 

We have been in Florida for a little over a month now and you will join us in only 96 days!

I Love you Emmett,


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