Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

45 days for you and less then 10 Days for Laura

Good Morning Grandson,

The girls and I are sitting around this morning chatting, eating breakfast, and planning our list for the week to come. We still have a lot of things to do before you get here and the time will get away from us if we don't pay attention.Yesterday Momma and Grandma did some shopping and came home with most of the remaining furniture for your room.

Who is Laura? Laura was a 13 year old girl living in the NetherlandsShe and her Father hatched a plan to make her the youngest person ever to circumnavigate the earth alone in a sailboat. Problem was the Dutch Government wouldn't allow her to take the trip because she was too young. She wouldn't accept that business, got on a plane and flew to the Caribbean Island of St Maarten where she started fitting here 38ft sailboat "Guppy" for the long trip.

This crazy idea wasn't a new one. The first guy to believe it was possible and willing to give it a try was a 51 year old Sea Captain named Joshua Slokum. A life long seaman, Slokum had commanded some of the finest Tall Ships of his day.  The book about his attempt to be the first to go around the Globe solo was published in 1900.  "Sailing alone around the world" is a wonderful true story of his trip aboard "The Spray". In April 1895 Slokum departed Boston Harbor on his quest to leave a mark on Maritime history. He returned more then 3 years later after logging over 46,000 miles and becoming the very first person to complete the circumnavigation alone. 

Many have tried this trip since 1900. Few try it non-stop which is the "Holy Grail" of sailing achievements. Others are content just to have done it a little at a time over their lives. Some go eastbound and some west. Start points cover the map. Some say you must round Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope, while others say the Panama canal is the way to do it safely. Families, groups, racers and the soloist all go round. First Female, Youngest, Oldest...I guest there is a category for your own record. Most make it these days but many have died trying.

In the mid 80's a story about a young troubled teen named Tonia Aebi, and her 26 ft Contessa named "Varuna", hit the press. She was 18 and her Father, an eccentric adventurer, gave her an ultimatum. Go to College or be the youngest to sail around the world alone. This scared young girl left New York City with almost no experience and chronicles her adventure in her book "Maiden Voyage". Tonia is the same age as your Grandma and I.

There has been a flurry lately of teens chasing the record of "Youngest". Two siblings from Southern California, Zac and Abby Sunderland, tried a few years ago. Zac finished the journey earning himself the title of "Youngest Solo Circumnavigator" only to have the title taken 2 weeks later by Jessica Watson, of Australia. Zac's sister Abby tried to regain the title for the Sunderland Family but failed to finish. She was rescued by the Australian Navy about 2000 west of Perth, in the Southern Indian Ocean. She clung to her capsized boat for 3 days before she was rescued.

The latest Solo Circumnavigation challenger is the young Dutch girl, Laura Dekker. We have been following her blog site for almost 2 years and enjoying her daily entries and pictures of the trip. We even donated 20 dollars to help her fund the trip. She is about 1000 miles from the finish line and will be the youngest person to circle the globe alone in a sailboat. She is only 16.  

As I finished reading this entry to your Momma she informs me you will never be allowed to do anything this crazy. I wonder if you will try.

I have a giant list of people to tell you about...ALL CRAZY, ALL TRAILBLAZERS.

The story behind these young brave adventurers are their amazing parents. Fathers and Mothers willing to challenge and brave enough to let go of their young Superstars. What a blessing it will be for us to support your dreams.



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