Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

53 days and the Birthing classes begin

Good morning Grandson,

I'm headed off to work this morning while the "Ladies of the house" are off to a class. The class is about your birth. Most couples take this together and sometimes the Mom asks a friend to be her Coach. This time you will arrive with your Grandma nearby and she will be Mommas coach.

Don't worry, I will be there also. I plan to bring movies, a computer, coffee, snacks and my favorite "leatherman" tool. When the time is perfect I will swoop in and cut the cord for ya.

You are lucky you have Momma and Grandma because I don't think I could do it . We will all do are part and get this adventure started!!

hurry and get here,


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