Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Greetings from Fay and Vergil best, 36 days until your birth

Well, Hello Emmett, this is the first time your Great, Great, Great Aunt Fay and Uncle Vergil has written to you. While we pray for you and your Mommy almost every day. We are anxiously awaiting your arrival.
We know that you will be a very special boy and that we will love and treasure you as we have for your mommy, who has been a delight ever since she was born as well as your grandmother Wendy and her mother Sue.
We have to warn you, we like to spoil special kids and we already know you will be special.
Emmett, we have been praying for you most every day, asking God to help you grow up to be a man of God and that God would have His hand on your life.
One concern we have is that we live in San Pedro, California which is the other side of the U.S. from where you will be in Florida, so we will not get to see you very often.
You are fortunate to be born into the Bass family, they will love you unconditionally and take very good care of you.
It has been good to write you and introduce us to you. We want you to know also that we already love you and look forward to your arrival.
Our Love,
Vergil and Fay Best

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