Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Holy Crap! only 27 days to go


Really sorry I've missed the last couple weeks.

Momma - She is pretty big now and I don't mean that in a bad way. She is taking good care of herself and is almost all ready for you. This weekend she is getting some pictures taken by a professional Photographer so you can see what you looked like just before you popped out. Your bedroom is ready and we only need to get a couple things, like diapers.

Grandma - she is a little stressed out and doing all she can to help your Momma stay cool. She spends her days riding her bike, shopping online for furniture, and taking care of us.

Me - I am almost finished training at work and will be thankful when it's over. My stress level is getting higher the closer we get to your arrival. I Kayak about an hour a day around the canals. I went out tonight at sunset and was out after dark. On my way home I was ATTACKED by a Trio of Dolphins!! Black night, middle of the river, alone. Those things are bigger then you think. One came within 3 feet of me and looked at me with his one eye. Spooky how they look at you and I have to confess it really freaked me out.

Hurry and get here so we can go have some fun. I think I can duck tape your car seat on my kayak.

I Love you Emmett,


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