Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

9 days old - YOU GOT MAIL!!


You are 9 days old today. About 10 minutes and 9 days ago you blessed us with yourself. LOVE LOVE LOVE having you here. I felt so stupid yelling to you through mommas tummy. Much better now that I can whisper in your ear how much you are Loved.

We here have spent much time and had a ton of fun playing around with the Adventure theme. Indiana Jones on the blog and the Leatherman cutting the cord thing. The mail man dropped off your next exciting gift. An original and complete indiana Jones metal lunch box, to include the thermas. This thing looks fantastic. You might ask why a lunch box and you're only a week old?? Well, other families may fill a cigar box full of nik-naks, we are gonna use this classic tin lunch box.

I will be careful to fill this up with all your most important goodies. First bug, treasure, first dollar, teeth, hair, or whatever we think you will want. When you're older you can take over.

I've been away in Tampa for the week and so happy to be home. We had Chinese tonight and you had milk. You and I are sitting here alone now and you are asleep. I type and check on you after every few sentences to make sure you are real. You are real and amazing. 

You will receive your first family visit tomorrow. Aunt Joy and Uncle Art will be here at 5 to have dinner and squeeze your face off. Get use to it. Aunt Joy is my Dad's younger sister. She would be your great Aunt.

Next week you will meet the Kitson girls and the week after that the O'Conner Family. More on these people later. All Love you and they are very important to us.  

Good Night little man,

Your Poppy Loves you

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