Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Pictures / 1st trip to the Doctor

Good morning Grandson,

Wow! what a crazy fun couple of days. You are 2 and a half days old. You and I have had a ton of time together and I feel so blessed for that. Your Momma was born at the military Hospital on Ft. Lewis and they were nor very nice to the Dads. I missed out on the first few days of Mommas life and really feel it's wonderful I get that time back with you.

What wonderful comments, e-mails, and phone calls we've been getting from Emmett fans all over the country. Your Family and friends have been amazing. Thank you all!

Last night the Midwife, Sam, came for a post birth check in. They were here for a couple hours checking on you and Momma. they also gave Momma some more instruction and left her with a bunch more information.

Today is your first Doctors appointment. Momma and Grandma have been getting ready for their first trip out since your arrival. Sure seems like they spent a little more time getting you all ready because you were super upset. I keep telling them to quit messing around with you! We could be chill'in by the pool one minute and one of those girls will come get you and all of a sudden your screaming! That's why we don't take girls fishing.

This is what that looks like.

 And now we're all good.
Good luck at the Doctors Little Man and hurry home.




  1. Awe! poor guy, I really don't like going to the doctors either, you look so pitiful all up set, but then grandma gets you and kisses you all better. Yes! that's what us grandma's are for, to make things all better! :)Well Emmett you have a good day. Get some good rest, eat real well for mommy so you can grow up and be a big strong boy! let your mommy know I love her very much! Hope you all have a great day!

    Love Aunt Char!

  2. Well Emmett This is not Aunt Charlotte This is your Uncle Shane. We haven't met yet but we will very soon. I have been really busy with school and I just got a new job so I have been and will be very busy for a long time. But when I am all finished with school and get some time off of work you, me and poppy will have to spend some time together and go on a man trip. You don't know this but your poppy took me on the biggest man trip of my life and I am sure that if it was not for him caring for me I would not have turned out the way I have today. Make sure you stay close to him and do every thing he says because he loves you and cares for you very much. Hay and in the not to distant future we will be chillin and I will tell you about all the Good times I had with your poppy and Mommy. I love you Emmett Shane and I look forward to meeting you soon.
    Love your Uncle Shane
