Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Another Dr Appointment, Shane

Good Morning Grandson,

We are taking you to another appointment at the Doctors office Today. They check you often now but these appointments will become less frequent as you grow.

You and I sat and chatted this morning as I enjoyed my coffee and the ladies prepared for the their travels. You seem less fragile today. Your face is filling out and you are starting to gain weight. You smile often but seemed confused as to why or how you did it. That's funny.

We have been talking a lot about your Uncle Shane the past few days. You will like him. He and I built his first car together and he even showed me how to bag a deer during his first deer season. I miss Shane and can't wait to introduce you guys. You are named after Shane and I will expand on his story soon. He lived with us for a year and stole my heart.

I love you Emmett,


1 comment:

  1. Wow!how touching it is to hear your poppy talk about my Shane like that, it means a lot to me and I do know for a fact that your Poppy means a great deal to Shane too! Of course Shane still has his bug sitting out in are garage...I also can't wait for the day we all can meat!

    I love you Emmett!
