Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saying too much

Good morning my young Adventurer,

There are those times in life when we say too much. We fly off the handle and say words that hurt others or just say it to make ourselves feel better. Did we say too much for ourselves, did we say too much for someone else, or did we say too much for an idea? 

We often times mess things up when we say too much out of anger. Sometimes we say too much about someone and embarrass them. Looking back on times when I have said too much is hard for me. Some words you can never take back.

There will be a day when it's time for you to say too much. When that time comes gather your thoughts, say it from the heart, and deliver it honest and with passion. Never do it just to feel better. Do it to make things better. Do it because no one else will stand up and say what that person needs to hear. When you look back on that moment when you said too much, do it without regret.

Sometimes the people we love need to hear us say too much.

Last night I said too much. I care deeply for the person I said too much too. Did my words hurt? I think so. Were my words delivered with Love and honesty? Yes. Will I ever know if they mattered? Maybe not. Do I have an ounce of regret? No, not an ounce. It was time.

When that time comes for you....go the right way and for the right reasons....Say too much.

I Love you,


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