Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Pictures - Joy and Art visit

Hey Little man,

Today you smiled! I am enjoying our evenings together. You swing, I write, and the Baseball game fills our ears. The ladies get a break from us for an hour or two.

We also went to get some tests today to verify you have DNA.  DNA are a little like a finger print except it's how your cells are arranged. This test tells us who we are related to, if we have higher chances of certain illness like cancer, or even what racial groups we belong to. When we compare samples, like yours to mine, and they match it means we are related. If we aren't related they won't match. Who knows, maybe we will discover you are related to someone famous. I doubt there will be any surprises, but we wait.

You had your first house call tonight. These two characters are your Great Great Aunt Joy and Her Husband Art. We call him "Art the Fart".

Joy is My Dads younger sister. She is the second of 5 Children Ed, Joy, Chuck and twins Wayne and Wendy. She was born in Pennsylvania in 1947 to Edward "Bud" (My Poppy) and Jackie Bass (My Grammy). She is retired now and spends the Spring-Fall in Honey Brooke, PA and the winters in Port Charlotte, Florida. Joy never had children so she has plenty of room in her heart for little guys like you. I think you might be seeing Aunt Joy from time to time. She thinks you are very special.

Her Husband Art was born in the bedroom over the kitchen some place in Virginia 1937. He is the oldest child in his family in addition to one of the oldest people alive today. I think he said he Voted for President Lincoln. He is retired now and spent his working life at an electric company in Philadelphia. Art was in the military during the Korean War in the 1950's and worked in Air and Sea rescue. This was an early version of today's Special Operations Forces like SEALS and Rangers. Art spends his time buying and selling guns, garage sales, and telling stories.

They fell in love with you right away. They brought you some gifts and your Momma some supplies. You have a wonderful family and these are the first of many stories you will read about people that fill your life.

You are Loved.

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