Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Fathers Pride :-) Back to work :-(

Good Morning Grandson,

Today the weather is cooler and the wind is really whipping around, Nice change to the mid to upper 80's we've been having for the past 3 weeks or so.

What a wonderful time you and I have been having. I know it's not as much work for me as the ladies in the house but I feel like you and I have been able to get away from them so they can rest. We take walks, sit by the water, watch TV, take naps, kayak, fish, sharpen knives, build fireworks, snake hunt, build cars, go duck hunting, camping, scuba diving and wrestle gators. Weeelll... maybe a few of those things are still on are ta-do list.

When you start to wake up you fidget and your whole body turns red. You never really let loose and scream, you just need moved into some other position or walked. I think this is not normal. You are a very good baby.

When Momma or Grandma take you away you scream like crazy. I think I should call the police and have them interviewed for baby abuse. They must be pinching you or kissing your face off. They do return you cleaner and with a full tummy so maybe that's what's going on??

I went back to work last night. The bummer thing about that is I have no way to see you or even log onto this blog and see pictures. I'm gonna have to do some printing and take your picture with me.

Everyone at work has been asking how things went and I tell them the story. I am still amaized  that your Momma pulled it off. Giving birth to a baby on your own was an awesome thing. I can't say it enough how proud I was of her and you Grandma. You will never know until you are there, live, and close up for your first child's birth. I really think she became a true individual in that room. Taking control of her lifes direction and for the first time with real love for another in her heart. That Love is Emmett the Adventurer! She has no reason to beleive she can't do anything now because she did this hard thing for you. I can't wait to see what you two can do.

Time to get cleaned up and ready for work. I might sneek a snuggle with you before I go...

I love you grandson!


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