Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pictures at 4 days Sunbath'n and a full tummy

Emmett at a few days old.

He assumes this position when the sun hits his body. It's funny because he tends to keep his body balled up most of the time with his hands over his ears or eyes. When we took him outside he sprung open in the warm light like as if he just arrived on that vacation tropical island after a long year of hard work.

march 2, 2012

March 3rd, 2012

march 3rd, 2012


  1. He looks so big here. He will grow way too fast. Can't wait to squeeze him.

  2. Wow you sure do like that sun bathing, looks very relaxing!I see how hard it is for poppy, grandma and mommy to keep their hands off you, you are so adorable. By the time I get to see you you will be so big. I want to kiss your sweet soft skin. You have an awesome day keep up the good work on eating!

    Love you Aunt Char! :)
