Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hero Award - Runner up

Along with all Moms there is usually a Partner. Normally a Dad, best friend of the Mom or the Grandma to be. In the Old'n days the men all sat by the fire while a group of ladies pulled the young'n to safety. Hospitals do things a little different these days and allow the Dad's to be part of the process. You might google water birth some time and even see a bunch of friends around a hot tub helping Mom out with words of support.

On this Birth day it was Wendy Sue Mathews-Bass. Truth is it was her mission from the start to be all the support Jess needed in areas like diet, sleep, birth class coach, and fitness. Your Momma is a lot like your Poppy in the food/exercise department. Momma will tell you all about that some day. We love food and love relax'n while we eat it!

Momma had a healthy Pregnancy because your Grandma cared. Her reward was "the moment". The moment you shot free of momma and launched yourself across the tub. Grandma was the lucky one that caught you and helped you to the surface. She was your first contact in this world.

From all of us that watched Grandma labor before labor to make sure Momma was able to deliver in good health, Thanks Grandma we appreciate all your hard work. You win the Runner Up Hero Award from us.

Emmett, you are a lucky boy.

I Love you,


The Placenta....Why? not sure. Maybe someday you'll want to see it.

OK Grandson. Google this if you're interested. I was asked if I wanted to see your "Tree of Life".  I said sure. They call it that because the cord branches out at the base like tree roots. I think Placenta is the official Latin or Greek name for this thing but here's the bottom line as I understand it.
  1. This is a good looking Placenta.
  2. You were in a thin sack, now collapsed, is connected to this mass.
  3. The cord connected to your bellybutton goes directly into this mass and blood vessels.
  4. You get all you need from this during your time inside Momma.
  5. This comes out of Momma a little while after you are born in much the same way you did.
  6. They always inspect this for defects, discoloration, bleeding.
  7. Animals like dogs and Cow's will often eat this after birth.

Cord and Placenta

This thin sack is what you lived in. It is now busted but it used to contain you kind of like a water ballon.

You can see how the cord branches out as it enters the mass. That's why they call it the tree of life. Without this connection you would not have lived. Amaizing!

Birth + 16 hrs. 1st "sun bath". Meet Kyle.

Hey Emmett,

You had your 1st "sun bath" a few minutes ago. They say direct sunlight helps you and you need it 5 or 10 munites every day. Good thing we don't live in Seattle anymore. You didn't like the light at first but after a few seconds the warm sun settled you right down.

Thank you Aunt Kelsey for Emmett's first comfort companion. The blue guy is named Kyle and he will be with us forever.

The real Hero

Good Morning Grandson,

I Woke today, jumped out of bed, and hustled into Momma's Bedroom to see if you were real. There you both were, Momma was sound asleep, and beside her Emmett. You were awake looking at me. I stood there for a while and you looked at me without making a sound.

The Hero of the day is your Momma. I'm not sure I realized what she was asking her body to do when this idea started. Most ladies give birth in the Hospital surrounded by nurses, Doctors, wires, IV's, monitors, drugs, needles in the spine. I guess we all thought this was normal and seemed to be what was needed to make birth less painful. I really wonder now??

Your Momma and I spent the day walking. She began her contractions pretty early in the day so we stopped in the Sporting good store to buy a stopwatch so we could keep track of the interval. I think we both expected you Feb 29th (Leap Year) and figured this was the start of things.

After 4 hours out and about we stopped in the Birth center to get her checkup. She was having contractions somewhere around 7 minutes apart. No one seemed alarmed because it was Mommas first baby and it should take a day or so for the process so they sent us home.

We stopped in the grocery for you Birthday Cake and the ladies at the Bakery were ready to take us all to the hospital. Momma had 2 or 3 contractions at the counter. We will take you back in a few days to see them.

When we got home momma took a warm shower and put on a dress. That's when it all got interesting.

She began to make some noise about the pain and the contractions became longer and closer together right away. After about an hour we decided we'd better load up and head in to the birth center.

We arrived at the birth center at 4:45, just as a birthing class was starting. The Midwife was concerned because new moms don't go this fast. The people in the birthing class were concerned about the noise Momma was making :-) me too.

By 6pm she was in the tub, 6:20 your head was showing, and at 6:28pm Feb 28 you blasted into a tub of warm water and swam to the surface.

Momma - Way to go! No drugs, No Dr's, No IV's.

Emmett, Your Momma committed to bringing you into this world clear minded, drug free, and without any pain meds in your system. SHE DID IT! She walked out of her room smiling 6 hours later without any help. I should have let her drive! 

Everyone was home and in bed by 1am. I think she might need a Tylenol today.

You've been her 14 hours and 24 minutes, Welcome!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We meet at last

Long time I've been waiting to meet you. You and I spent about an hour and a half just hanging out tonight. What a wonderful gift. I am so glad we had this time together.

I delivered you back to Momma for some chow time. Bummer you only need her to eat. If only she could fish or hunt.

Thank you Grandson for the snuggle. Thank you for filling our lives with Adventure.


Your first Pictures

Cutting the cord 6:45pm

6:45pm Feb 28th.

Your Poppy cut your cord with a leatherman knife out of the tool kit off his 2005 BMW R1200GS adventure Motorcycle.

We did get it all on video to include the blood splatter on your chest and me cleaning the bloody knife on my shorts. The ladies thought all that was pretty funny.

What a gift you are.


Welcome to the world Little Man!

About 6:20pm you arrived!



Your head is visable. Your Momma is doing so well.

This is the moment we've all been waiting for!!

Hey Little Man,

As I said in my earlier post, we were woke this morning to a little tap at our door. Since then I've been privileged to be at your side. There are times when work can wait.

Your Momma and I have been to the Dr's twice and spent most of the day out walking and car shopping. Car shopping? I know right! Car shopping? We do need a car but it was a reason to get her up and out of the house.

We bought a stop watch at the store and have been timing things all day. 10am her contractions were about 10 or 12 minutes apart. Noon they were 7 minutes. We stopped in at the Dr's office at about 2 and they were 5 minutes so we went home.

About an hour at home and you started in on her pretty good. The contractions are 3 minutes and we figured we'd better head in. She was in some real pain with the last few and they are very regular.

We are all at the birth center, the Midwife is here and everything is ready to go. Feb 28th 5:05pm

1 day to go. News about Momma

Good Morning Grandson,

This morning at about 4:30 we got a knock on our bedroom door. It was you and your Momma. She thinks she lost something called a mucus plug. This is the start to your arrival. She is having contractions at 9am.

I think I will take the day off and just hang out. Never know this might be the day.

See ya soon!


Sunday, February 26, 2012

3 Days to go! Punt Gorda War Bird Fly-in

Good Morning Grandson,

Had some fun yesterday at a Fly-in. They had about 40 old war planes on display and I thought I'd post these pictures for you to enjoy later.

North American T-28

WWII P-51 Mustang

T-6 Texan


April 18th 1942 B-25's like this one were launched from the Aircraft Carrier "Hornet" to bomb the home Islands of Japan for the first time in the war. Commanded by famous Army-Airforce Lt Colonel James "Jimmy" Doolittle.

North American B-25 mitchell


Boeing Stearman Model-75


Dornier Alpha Jet

Fairchild Cornell

Cessna O-2 Super Skymaster or C337 is a twin engin push/pull prop plane used during the vietnam war as a photo aircraft, battle field recon, forward air control, as well as search and rescue. This plane was made famous in a movie called "Bat 21" with Gene Hackman and Danny Glover. The story was about an Airforce officer shot down and behind enemy lines. He was guided and tracked by a pilot of an O-2.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

4 Days? Can you believe it?

Good morning Little Man,

Momma is has a GIGANTIC tummy now and it looks like you could pop out of there at any moment. She has the full Prego-Waddle going on now. Grandma and I just give her room now and try and meet her needs.

Your Momma and Grandma will spend their hitting yard sale and going to the farmers market. Last night it rained. It's rained less than a hand full of times since we've been here. The weather feels like summer and I bet yesterday it was over 85.

I'm going to Punt Gorda to a vintage warbird fly-in. They have it every year and they expect over 50 aircraft.

Looking forward to meeting you,


Thursday, February 23, 2012

6 days to go and Momma's contractions begin

Good Thursday Little man,

Today is a usual sunny day in the mid 80's with sun as far as the eye could see. Grandma and I took a date day today and rode toe motorcycles to Lovers Key for Breakfast. The beach drive was super crowded and because we got a late start we didn't make to the beach. Tons of traffic and we could have walked faster. I guess you have to get an early start this time of year. We ended up at Perkins and had a nice meal.

Your Momma was up at 6am this morning and having contractions. This can be a painful time for Mom's during your birth and an early sign you are on the way. We kept the cell phones close while out and about just in case we needed to jet home to rescue you guys. As the day went, the contractions became less and less. We will have to wait until another day I guess.

We are so proud of your Momma. She is so excited for you to be here and today was a bit of a let down for her. Today was the first time for contractions. She is ready to get you out!! I will be standing by with cameras rolling and leatherman in hand.

I love you Grandson,


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Here we are at 7 days and we bought a boat!

Good Morning Little Man,

Today is my Friday even though it's Wednesday. I had a good week and there has been a ton of Airplans around to keep me busy. This is our busiest time of the year and the Holiday last Monday, Presidents Day,  is our busiest day of the year. Crazy!

Momma is feeling apretty tired now. You are getting bigger and stretching all her parts out of wack. She says she feels good but is just ready to get you out of her tummy.

Some Mommies like funny foods when they are pregnant. Crushed ice, peanut butter, icecream, pickles. Your Momma just likes food at this point. Last night we had Mexican. I know she has been so good about what she eats and I am proud of her for keeping her weight down. Now that we are in the last week, I don't think she cares anymore and that's OK with me.

She had a Doctors appointment yesterday and they said everything looks OK. Her Blood Pressure was a ltiile hight but I think that's normal.

Grandma LOVES her new job. She talks about it all the time. I think it's wonderful she is feeling good and getting out doing something she is excited about. She is still training and will be able to work on her own in a month or two. She likes seeing the babies swim to the top of the tub when they pop out of their momma's.

Your Grandma and I would love to live "Off the Grid" someday on the Big Island of Hawaii. This means you live on land with no power, sewer, or water service. You get your energy from the sun to run lights and catch rain water to drink and bath with.

In order for us to realize this dream I have a lot of learning to do. Part of that learning is Power management. How do batteries work? How do solar cells work? How long will it take to recharge a battery? How do I convert energy to usable power for what motor? These are just a few of the questions I have to answer before we go.

We have chosen to start our learning process with an electric boat project. The boat we bought is called a "Super Cat". It's a 20 foot long sailing catamaran and will be powered with batteries and solar panals. I bought the boat without the sails or other parts used to make it sail with the wind. We plan to turn this boat into an electric cruiser with 2 motors. It is a very fast and effecient boat which should be perfect for this purpose. Doing something fun is always a great way to learn.

See ya in a couple days little man.



Friday, February 17, 2012

12 days to go! Fat lip and a Plane ticket.

Good afternoon Grandson,

Today I did my Taxes. Pool side with a good pot of coffee and I even got a little money back. Not a bad tax day.

Spent about an hour on the Kayak. You are gonna love it here.

Your Grandma got a call at 2 am and ran unto the birth center to help with her 2nd birth. The baby arrived just an hour later and all went well for baby and mom. She is home now and napping.

Your momma is moving all your things from one side of your room to the other and a few hours later she moves the back. Stacking supplies in this corner than restacking under this shelf. I think she is ready for you now.

Emmett - No matter how life takes turns and things seem dark, never take the low road. Protect your friends and family. You may think your plan gets messed up by someone else or you have to put your life on hold over something you think you have no control over. You my be tempted to blame. Don't sweat it, stop and take care of buisness! You will never regret supporting your friend but will regret it forever if you fail to do the hard thing. Don't dare life to give you a fat lip and a plane ticket, because sooner or will.



Thursday, February 16, 2012

Week 38 official Pregnancy update

The final details are being rounded off before your big launch into the world.

For one, your meconium stockpile is growing (are you ready for your historical first tarry black poo?) as your fat stores continue to increase.

Most importantly, you're rapidly developing a super-brain that is abuzz with new brain cells that'll be growing for years to come.

~Whether you are born tomorrow (yes!) or next week (aw), you are pretty much 100% ready to face the world outside of your womb.
And by "ready", we mean weak, helpless and unable to do anything other than cry, pee, poop, and eat.
Below is a helpful view into your first year and why you're so radically different from the rest of we walking, talking, thinking humans.

Understanding Your World. Between your poor vision and inability to speak or comprehend language, as well as your newness to the entire life-on-Earth gig, you'll understand virtually nothing of the world you're born into.

One critical thing you understand is this: Mama's warm arms = the happiest safest place in the world.

Abstract concepts such as time, language and object permanence remain far beyond your grasp. The many ordinary objects and items that surround you will be almost totally incomprehensible for the first months of your life. Not until you gain the ability to grasp and manipulate objects with your hands, will these things start to become slightly more understandable.

A lack of object permanence causes you to become anxious whenever Momma disappears from sight because you're unable to understand that she will return. Your perception that she has vanished will cause you a clear and obvious distress. You might cry. That cry might can be translated as: "Where did mama go?! Come back now!!! I'm afraid to be alone because this world is confusing and overwhelming without her."

As you develop, you'll become more comfortable when she disappears from your line of sight, and become slowly aware of the fact she will come back again. Explicit knowledge of Momma's permanence in your life won't be possible until nearer the one year mark, although the more she is there for you the more secure you'll feel. The best way to ensure you're feeling safe and happy, is simply to keep Momma as near as you possibly can.

Your Momma is already worry about her arms breaking off from all that baby-carrying, she can keep you snuggled near her body AND have use of her arms by wearing a wrap or baby carrier that supports your bobble-head.

That's you today little man,


13 days, special thanks, bottoms up

Good morning little man,

One of the most wonderful mornings ever! Sun, low 70's, coffee, open house, breakfast on the water. Can't wait until you join us.

A couple days ago you and Momma had an appointment at the birth center. The Midwife felt high on her tummy and thought it felt very hard. She thought it was your head. Why is this a big deal? You are supposed to be in a head down position with your butt pointed up. You will come out head first and if you fail to flip over Momma would have to go to the hospital to have you removed by surgery.

The good news is you have a hard bottom. The Midwife did a quick ultra sound to confirm you were head down and every thing looks great.

Momma is resting now and Grandama left on her motorcycle a few minutes ago for another day at work. She is training today and will be able to work normally in a week or so. She really seems to like her job and we are all proud of her for getting out there.

A couple years ago she was having some real health problems and spent more than half her days in bed. She couldn't go to Church, dinner with friends, Holiday functions, shopping, or even to the bank or grocery store. She is living now and seems to have control of the things that were making her sick. I would have never guessed she would be riding a motorcycle to work ever again.

I should tell you about the guy that made Church possible for your Momma when she had no options. Pastor Terry Minge.

Pastor Minge offered to set a section of the Church aside and build a space with Chemical free products that allowed your Grandma to go to Church again. This room was build with love by Bethel Baptist Church and was the true beginning to her healing. Thank you Preacher.

P.S I have a hunch a special thanks might me owed to Mrs Minge. Emmett, you will learn later in life some of the best ideas begin with the ladies in our lives and it's your privilege to run with those ideas to make life better for others. When they whisper in your ear, listen.
Mrs Minge, Thank you. 

We are so excited about your arrival! Boxes on the front porch almost every way with baby supplies. I think we are ready now...that's funny! No one is ever really ready for a baby. We are going to do our best and can't wait.

I love you my young Adventurer,


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

15 days

Good Morning little man,

We had such a great laugh over the last post and will enjoy talking about that for a long time. I don't know what would cause someone to want to watch a video of a live circumcision but SOMEONE tried. We set a new blog record over this subject with more than 50 views in the first hour and over 200 in the first 24 hours.

Today is Valentines day and I spent it with the two loves of my life. We shared dinner, cards, flowers, and treats. 

Your Momma is doing so great. I've been around a pregnant lady from time to time over my life and your Momma looks better than any I've seen. We are so proud of her and can't wait to see her with you.

Hurry up and finish cook'n little man!



Sunday, February 12, 2012

17 days to go!! Let's talk about Circumcision Surgery...

Good Morning Little Man,

It's a cold 47 deg's today. This is the coolest day so far and just 2 days ago it was 85 and we had to run the AC.

I worked on getting all the video camera gear ready for your big entrance. I also found a copy of the theme song from the Indiana Jones movies. Like the start of every great adventure there is a theme song and I will play this one when you get cut free. The Ladies at the birth center have no idea what we're bringing. We are just gonna move in and take the place over!

Oh I almost forgot about the "Circumcision". To do it or not?? I don't really have much to say about this because it's your Momma's decision, but I thought I'd post this video of a real Circumcision surgery so you know what's up with that. WARNING!

Keep grow'n little man and I'll see ya in a few days.



Friday, February 10, 2012

19 Days to go and the "Packing" begins

Good morning young grandson,

Today we are all free to take an unexpected day to ourselves. We are spending the morning together cracking coconuts, drinking coffee, eating breakfast, and listening to some James Taylor. The Mullet fish were here visiting today. We are keeping an eye out for our dolphin friend.

You are big enough inside Momma that you could come any day now. We wonder how long you will take. Your Momma says you are a little more active and you have turned over pointing in the right direction to enter the world.

Today we are packing a bag for the trip to the birth center. Clothes, cameras, laptop, movies, books, etc. We don't want to forget the cameras for sure!

We use a sport video camera when we travel on the Motorcycles. We think these would work great because you will be born under water in a big tub. They call this "water birth". These camreas are small, waterproof and take HD, or High Definition, video. I asked the girls if they wanted me to bring them to film the birth. At first we thought that might be a little too gross for everyone but after some more thought we might film it anyways. I can attach them to the tub, counter, wrist, ankle, or even strap it on the midwifes head. They are water proof so we can film you as you swim to freedom. Truth is, I don't think I want to see all that but you might want to later.

Grandma got to help with her first water birth yesterday. She got a call about 3am and rushed in to the Birth Center to assist the "Midwife" deliver a little girl. She really likes this job and is very excited about your arrival. The midwife is going to be there during your birth as a backup but she will let your Momma and Grandma do everything on their own. I will be standing by with the video camera and "Leatherman" ready to film your arrival and cut the cord.

I think I will play the Indiana Jones Theme music when I cut the cord. I have been thinking about a fitting tune for this moment and I think this is it. There is a new show on TV about a missing TV host that does nature shows. His character is super passionate about everything he does and it's funny his name is Emmett. I wonder where your life will go and what you will be passionate about? Whatever it is we will add it here.

Last minute shopping on the Internet today to get a few items a baby and Momma need.

Your Momma and I will hang the last of the pictures in your room. The room is pretty cool but I think you and I will have to change a few things as you get older. We will find out what you like and fix it when your ready.

See ya soon!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

21 Days

Good afternoon Grandson,

Sunny and 82 today. Some Weather report for the second week in February.

Stopped by the place where you will enter the world today. Your Grandma works there. She had a tail light broken on her motorcycle so I stopped in at her work to change it out before it gets dark. She likes her new job and is very excited about learning new things and helping people. She has been working there for 2 days.

When I got home I found your Momma in her usual spot. She does a lot of reading and planning for you. We went to get a Cheese Steak from a local place called "Pete's". The best in town so far.

Your Great Grandpa is home now. He had his cancer removed a few months ago and had to go back the Seattle and have some things put back where they belong. This required surgery. He should be back to normal in a few weeks and we are all very happy for him.

Your Uncle Virgel also had some surgery last week and all worked out well for him also.

Looking forward to meeting you in just a few weeks!



Friday, February 3, 2012

26 days to go! Meet "Captain Jack"

Good Morning Grandson,

Last night I had a run in with the local Dolphin pack while I was Kayaking. They freaked me out because I was in open water at night alone. They are very fast and very curious.

This Morning, when we were making breakfast, one of them came to see us. What a wonderful event! Where else can you get a Dolphin in your back yard?


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Holy Crap! only 27 days to go


Really sorry I've missed the last couple weeks.

Momma - She is pretty big now and I don't mean that in a bad way. She is taking good care of herself and is almost all ready for you. This weekend she is getting some pictures taken by a professional Photographer so you can see what you looked like just before you popped out. Your bedroom is ready and we only need to get a couple things, like diapers.

Grandma - she is a little stressed out and doing all she can to help your Momma stay cool. She spends her days riding her bike, shopping online for furniture, and taking care of us.

Me - I am almost finished training at work and will be thankful when it's over. My stress level is getting higher the closer we get to your arrival. I Kayak about an hour a day around the canals. I went out tonight at sunset and was out after dark. On my way home I was ATTACKED by a Trio of Dolphins!! Black night, middle of the river, alone. Those things are bigger then you think. One came within 3 feet of me and looked at me with his one eye. Spooky how they look at you and I have to confess it really freaked me out.

Hurry and get here so we can go have some fun. I think I can duck tape your car seat on my kayak.

I Love you Emmett,
