Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Here we are at 7 days and we bought a boat!

Good Morning Little Man,

Today is my Friday even though it's Wednesday. I had a good week and there has been a ton of Airplans around to keep me busy. This is our busiest time of the year and the Holiday last Monday, Presidents Day,  is our busiest day of the year. Crazy!

Momma is feeling apretty tired now. You are getting bigger and stretching all her parts out of wack. She says she feels good but is just ready to get you out of her tummy.

Some Mommies like funny foods when they are pregnant. Crushed ice, peanut butter, icecream, pickles. Your Momma just likes food at this point. Last night we had Mexican. I know she has been so good about what she eats and I am proud of her for keeping her weight down. Now that we are in the last week, I don't think she cares anymore and that's OK with me.

She had a Doctors appointment yesterday and they said everything looks OK. Her Blood Pressure was a ltiile hight but I think that's normal.

Grandma LOVES her new job. She talks about it all the time. I think it's wonderful she is feeling good and getting out doing something she is excited about. She is still training and will be able to work on her own in a month or two. She likes seeing the babies swim to the top of the tub when they pop out of their momma's.

Your Grandma and I would love to live "Off the Grid" someday on the Big Island of Hawaii. This means you live on land with no power, sewer, or water service. You get your energy from the sun to run lights and catch rain water to drink and bath with.

In order for us to realize this dream I have a lot of learning to do. Part of that learning is Power management. How do batteries work? How do solar cells work? How long will it take to recharge a battery? How do I convert energy to usable power for what motor? These are just a few of the questions I have to answer before we go.

We have chosen to start our learning process with an electric boat project. The boat we bought is called a "Super Cat". It's a 20 foot long sailing catamaran and will be powered with batteries and solar panals. I bought the boat without the sails or other parts used to make it sail with the wind. We plan to turn this boat into an electric cruiser with 2 motors. It is a very fast and effecient boat which should be perfect for this purpose. Doing something fun is always a great way to learn.

See ya in a couple days little man.



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