Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Placenta....Why? not sure. Maybe someday you'll want to see it.

OK Grandson. Google this if you're interested. I was asked if I wanted to see your "Tree of Life".  I said sure. They call it that because the cord branches out at the base like tree roots. I think Placenta is the official Latin or Greek name for this thing but here's the bottom line as I understand it.
  1. This is a good looking Placenta.
  2. You were in a thin sack, now collapsed, is connected to this mass.
  3. The cord connected to your bellybutton goes directly into this mass and blood vessels.
  4. You get all you need from this during your time inside Momma.
  5. This comes out of Momma a little while after you are born in much the same way you did.
  6. They always inspect this for defects, discoloration, bleeding.
  7. Animals like dogs and Cow's will often eat this after birth.

Cord and Placenta

This thin sack is what you lived in. It is now busted but it used to contain you kind of like a water ballon.

You can see how the cord branches out as it enters the mass. That's why they call it the tree of life. Without this connection you would not have lived. Amaizing!

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