Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hero Award - Runner up

Along with all Moms there is usually a Partner. Normally a Dad, best friend of the Mom or the Grandma to be. In the Old'n days the men all sat by the fire while a group of ladies pulled the young'n to safety. Hospitals do things a little different these days and allow the Dad's to be part of the process. You might google water birth some time and even see a bunch of friends around a hot tub helping Mom out with words of support.

On this Birth day it was Wendy Sue Mathews-Bass. Truth is it was her mission from the start to be all the support Jess needed in areas like diet, sleep, birth class coach, and fitness. Your Momma is a lot like your Poppy in the food/exercise department. Momma will tell you all about that some day. We love food and love relax'n while we eat it!

Momma had a healthy Pregnancy because your Grandma cared. Her reward was "the moment". The moment you shot free of momma and launched yourself across the tub. Grandma was the lucky one that caught you and helped you to the surface. She was your first contact in this world.

From all of us that watched Grandma labor before labor to make sure Momma was able to deliver in good health, Thanks Grandma we appreciate all your hard work. You win the Runner Up Hero Award from us.

Emmett, you are a lucky boy.

I Love you,


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