Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This is the moment we've all been waiting for!!

Hey Little Man,

As I said in my earlier post, we were woke this morning to a little tap at our door. Since then I've been privileged to be at your side. There are times when work can wait.

Your Momma and I have been to the Dr's twice and spent most of the day out walking and car shopping. Car shopping? I know right! Car shopping? We do need a car but it was a reason to get her up and out of the house.

We bought a stop watch at the store and have been timing things all day. 10am her contractions were about 10 or 12 minutes apart. Noon they were 7 minutes. We stopped in at the Dr's office at about 2 and they were 5 minutes so we went home.

About an hour at home and you started in on her pretty good. The contractions are 3 minutes and we figured we'd better head in. She was in some real pain with the last few and they are very regular.

We are all at the birth center, the Midwife is here and everything is ready to go. Feb 28th 5:05pm

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