Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

13 days, special thanks, bottoms up

Good morning little man,

One of the most wonderful mornings ever! Sun, low 70's, coffee, open house, breakfast on the water. Can't wait until you join us.

A couple days ago you and Momma had an appointment at the birth center. The Midwife felt high on her tummy and thought it felt very hard. She thought it was your head. Why is this a big deal? You are supposed to be in a head down position with your butt pointed up. You will come out head first and if you fail to flip over Momma would have to go to the hospital to have you removed by surgery.

The good news is you have a hard bottom. The Midwife did a quick ultra sound to confirm you were head down and every thing looks great.

Momma is resting now and Grandama left on her motorcycle a few minutes ago for another day at work. She is training today and will be able to work normally in a week or so. She really seems to like her job and we are all proud of her for getting out there.

A couple years ago she was having some real health problems and spent more than half her days in bed. She couldn't go to Church, dinner with friends, Holiday functions, shopping, or even to the bank or grocery store. She is living now and seems to have control of the things that were making her sick. I would have never guessed she would be riding a motorcycle to work ever again.

I should tell you about the guy that made Church possible for your Momma when she had no options. Pastor Terry Minge.

Pastor Minge offered to set a section of the Church aside and build a space with Chemical free products that allowed your Grandma to go to Church again. This room was build with love by Bethel Baptist Church and was the true beginning to her healing. Thank you Preacher.

P.S I have a hunch a special thanks might me owed to Mrs Minge. Emmett, you will learn later in life some of the best ideas begin with the ladies in our lives and it's your privilege to run with those ideas to make life better for others. When they whisper in your ear, listen.
Mrs Minge, Thank you. 

We are so excited about your arrival! Boxes on the front porch almost every way with baby supplies. I think we are ready now...that's funny! No one is ever really ready for a baby. We are going to do our best and can't wait.

I love you my young Adventurer,


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