Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The real Hero

Good Morning Grandson,

I Woke today, jumped out of bed, and hustled into Momma's Bedroom to see if you were real. There you both were, Momma was sound asleep, and beside her Emmett. You were awake looking at me. I stood there for a while and you looked at me without making a sound.

The Hero of the day is your Momma. I'm not sure I realized what she was asking her body to do when this idea started. Most ladies give birth in the Hospital surrounded by nurses, Doctors, wires, IV's, monitors, drugs, needles in the spine. I guess we all thought this was normal and seemed to be what was needed to make birth less painful. I really wonder now??

Your Momma and I spent the day walking. She began her contractions pretty early in the day so we stopped in the Sporting good store to buy a stopwatch so we could keep track of the interval. I think we both expected you Feb 29th (Leap Year) and figured this was the start of things.

After 4 hours out and about we stopped in the Birth center to get her checkup. She was having contractions somewhere around 7 minutes apart. No one seemed alarmed because it was Mommas first baby and it should take a day or so for the process so they sent us home.

We stopped in the grocery for you Birthday Cake and the ladies at the Bakery were ready to take us all to the hospital. Momma had 2 or 3 contractions at the counter. We will take you back in a few days to see them.

When we got home momma took a warm shower and put on a dress. That's when it all got interesting.

She began to make some noise about the pain and the contractions became longer and closer together right away. After about an hour we decided we'd better load up and head in to the birth center.

We arrived at the birth center at 4:45, just as a birthing class was starting. The Midwife was concerned because new moms don't go this fast. The people in the birthing class were concerned about the noise Momma was making :-) me too.

By 6pm she was in the tub, 6:20 your head was showing, and at 6:28pm Feb 28 you blasted into a tub of warm water and swam to the surface.

Momma - Way to go! No drugs, No Dr's, No IV's.

Emmett, Your Momma committed to bringing you into this world clear minded, drug free, and without any pain meds in your system. SHE DID IT! She walked out of her room smiling 6 hours later without any help. I should have let her drive! 

Everyone was home and in bed by 1am. I think she might need a Tylenol today.

You've been her 14 hours and 24 minutes, Welcome!


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