Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

19 Days to go and the "Packing" begins

Good morning young grandson,

Today we are all free to take an unexpected day to ourselves. We are spending the morning together cracking coconuts, drinking coffee, eating breakfast, and listening to some James Taylor. The Mullet fish were here visiting today. We are keeping an eye out for our dolphin friend.

You are big enough inside Momma that you could come any day now. We wonder how long you will take. Your Momma says you are a little more active and you have turned over pointing in the right direction to enter the world.

Today we are packing a bag for the trip to the birth center. Clothes, cameras, laptop, movies, books, etc. We don't want to forget the cameras for sure!

We use a sport video camera when we travel on the Motorcycles. We think these would work great because you will be born under water in a big tub. They call this "water birth". These camreas are small, waterproof and take HD, or High Definition, video. I asked the girls if they wanted me to bring them to film the birth. At first we thought that might be a little too gross for everyone but after some more thought we might film it anyways. I can attach them to the tub, counter, wrist, ankle, or even strap it on the midwifes head. They are water proof so we can film you as you swim to freedom. Truth is, I don't think I want to see all that but you might want to later.

Grandma got to help with her first water birth yesterday. She got a call about 3am and rushed in to the Birth Center to assist the "Midwife" deliver a little girl. She really likes this job and is very excited about your arrival. The midwife is going to be there during your birth as a backup but she will let your Momma and Grandma do everything on their own. I will be standing by with the video camera and "Leatherman" ready to film your arrival and cut the cord.

I think I will play the Indiana Jones Theme music when I cut the cord. I have been thinking about a fitting tune for this moment and I think this is it. There is a new show on TV about a missing TV host that does nature shows. His character is super passionate about everything he does and it's funny his name is Emmett. I wonder where your life will go and what you will be passionate about? Whatever it is we will add it here.

Last minute shopping on the Internet today to get a few items a baby and Momma need.

Your Momma and I will hang the last of the pictures in your room. The room is pretty cool but I think you and I will have to change a few things as you get older. We will find out what you like and fix it when your ready.

See ya soon!


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