Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

64 days to go!!

Good Morning Grandson, Wow that feels funny to say.

We are headed back to the house to finish some cleaning and repairs today. Last night we did the last of the paining and will begin the move in process soon.

We had a suprise visit from Aunt Joy and Uncle Art. They dropped off some gifts for you and Momma and also a little something for the weary painters to snack on.

They say it's gonna be warm today and a chance of rain tomorrow. We sure love the weather here.

We met our neighbor a couple days ago, her name is Susan. Not sure what you will get to call her but she seemed like a real nice lady. She lives alone with her 94 year old mother. she lost her Husband earlier this year after a 6 year fight with an illness.

Coffee's done and we're ready to attack the day.

I love you Emmett.


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