Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Cutting the cord


Your Momma has been very tired these last few days. She still gets sick sometimes. You should know she has been getting more information about how she will deliver you. She plans to do it without medications so you don't get sleepy while your trying to get out of her tummy. You have work to do also and you have to be alert and ready to breathe. 

Your Momma blessed me with the most incredible invitation. I have been asked to be part of the your birth process. I am so honored! I get to cut the cord when you're born. This is the cord that comes out of your belly button and helps feed you while you are inside your momma. This is an awesome thing and this will be my 2nd time. 20 years ago I got to cut your mommas cord and it was one of the most amazing things ever.

I am so excited about you and can't wait for you to get here. 

I Love you Grandson

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