Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

86 days and counting

Hey young man,

December 5th 2011 and you will be here in 86 days. 

I fight the urge to ramble on about things I want you to know in the hopes you wont make any of our mistakes. Truth is you are your own man and I want you to be. The best we can do is fill you with love and give you every tool we can so you can make your choice. 

You could flip a coin. Your choice taking a 50/50 heads or tails coin toss is a choice. You don't really get to decide, or did you. These choices are fun and we need to let go that way sometimes. Like when you can't decide over a cheese burger or chicken sandwich. 

It's been said that if you come to a "Y" in the road...take it. What is this telling us about choices? You have a choice to make and there is no wrong answer. I think the idea here is to move forward, try new things and see the adventure in the unknown. The wrong answer is to be crippled under the pressure to just make a choice. 

What if the choice is about right or wrong? Should I lie about my time card at work? We answer these questions all the time. God gives us things called Principles. These are life guidelines we predetermine or decide ahead of time. This means we think about something like telling the truth and decide before hand what we will do if confronted with the choice to lie. 


  • I choose to drive the speed limit no matter what.
  • I choose to tell the truth no matter what.
  • I have determined I will always open doors for my wife.
  • I decided some time ago I will never miss my mothers birthday
  • I will always say good night to my kids, no matter where they are or how tired I am. 
  • I always go to Church on Sundays even when I'm on vacation.
These "PRE-DECISIONS" or principles make us who we are and will define you.  I hope you take time to decide what you will do when confronted with a choice. I hope you choose character and godliness. 

I love you Grandson,


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