Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas Emmett, 66 days to go!

Good Morning Emmett,

Today is Christmas, though I must admit it doesn't feel at all like it. The weather is going to be sunny with temps in the low 80's. Yesterday I stopped in at the pool store and found a floating Santa you put in the pool. People light all the palm trees. Late last night about 8pm I road down the way to get some last minute things from the grocery store, on my motorcycle, with just shorts and a T-shirt on (NEVER DO THAT!). That's Christmas here and you are gonna love it.

Your Poppy and Grandma have been spending the last 5 days cleaning and painting your new home. We are excited about you and think you will love this place.

Your Momma has been in charge of Christmas this year and she did a wonderful job. She took care of all the shopping and wrapping of gifts and tonight we will finally sit down and take a break from this madness.

Momma says it feels like you are going to just fall out of her when she walks around. I think you just want to get out of there so we can start our adventures together. I say "let'em out"!

I'm looking at our gifts sitting in the table. I remember when we were young and my sister and I used to make noise and sneak into our parents room and hide under the bed listening for them to wake. We can't wait until it's your pile of gifts, 4am, and your laying on the floor outside our bedroom door listening for signs of life so YOU can open your gifts. What fun!

We are off to Church in a couple hours. After Church we will show the house to your momma for the first time. We decided to get things cleaned up a little and some paint on the walls before we took her over.

We met some great friends when we first moved to Florida, Rob and Linda. They have really been wonderful to us and helped us get settled and even look for a house. They invited us to Christmas dinner today because they know we are far from our Families. What a wonderful thing to do, they are the best. That will be our Christmas this year.

I'd better get breakfast cooked while the girls are getting ready. Biscuits, eggs, saugage and Super Cinnamon buns!

Hey there goes Da'momma and you walking through the kitchen. I stopped her and put my hand on her tummy in hopes of feeling you kick me Merry Christmas.

I love you Emmett and cant wait until you get here,


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