Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

85 days

Good afternoon young Emmett,

I worked a full day today. That may seem like an unusual statement but I've had some trouble staying at work for my full work day lately. Not that I don't like it here, I've just been enjoying your mom and Grandma. Good thing I saved some vacation leave.

I just got a text from the house and they want me to stop at Costco and get a couple things. I hope they know that means i will be "eating out". Costco rocks!  You will love costco and we will spend a lot of our time at the food court.

Just got another text giving me the OK to chow down, ONLY IF I bring home a couple chicken bakes. I hope you are a lucky as me and have a family to bring things to.

I love you and I Love my girls.

Please hurry and get so I'm no longer the only dude in the house. They team up on me all the time! Poor me :-)

I think I will sit on the couch later with my hand on momma's tummy until you kick. I will let you know tomorrow how that goes.

Have a good night little man,


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