Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

77 days to go!!

Good morning little man,

We are at a point in your development where you are starting to cause your Momma some real social problems. She says she is ## weeks into her pregnancy and we only have ## weeks to go. It's scary how many women can calculate this complex data in a split second but are unable to do anything with a fraction, Decimal, or percentage - ever.

Men do not understand. Why can't we make this calculation? Do you think it's just new moms that do this? They must have some whacked out math chemical rushing through their bodies. I guess I should be happy for her and her new found skills. People do enjoy knowing something no one else does.

By the way - last night, during our evening pizza and TV time, she started laughing at a show then started screaming. Soon I would learn your position on her bladder no longer allows her to laugh without peeing her pants.   SU-WEEEET JUSTICE!

I love you,



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