Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Monday, December 26, 2011

65, 4, 7, 365

65 days until you get here.

4 days til our furniture arrives.

7 days I go back to work.

365 shopping days until Christmas.

I honestly can say I am only looking forward to half that list. Good Morning Grandson!

Yesterday was a hoot. We had a nice breakfast together and went to Church. Service was wonderful and the music was amazing.

We decided to take our gifts over to the new house and open them on the back porch. The weather was so amazing and we think one of the warmest days since we've been here in Florida.

Momma's list of gifts included: bath supplies, a sleeping pillow for you, a bunch pregnant clothes, Beach supplies and a swim cover up.

Grandma got a new sprocket set and chain for her motorcycle, swim supplies, shorts, a few shirts, sweats, and a house.

Your Poppy got two hugs from his girls, 2 long sleeve T-Shirts, flip-flops, and a remote control Air-Boat. By the time you get here I should have a great collection of RC boats and fishing poles for us to play with.

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