Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

First kick and 3-D Ultrasound


Last night I felt you move for the first time. People must think I'm funny standing around with my hand on your Momma's tummy. You are not very active during the day and I look forward to more kicks as you grow.

Momma is going to Tampa today to spend time with a friend from Collage. Her friend is also Pregnant so they will have a lot to talk about. They tell me they are going to get a 3-D Ultrasound of her baby. This image is not flat (2D or 2 dimensional) but gives a 3 dimensional view of a baby while still in the tummy. A normal ultrasound like the one you already did looks like this. The new 3-D image looks like this. They use this machine and move it along her skin to shoot a sound wave inside her. This sound wave bounces off you and the machine can make a picture using this information. This technology is used in much the same way a ship would map the ocean bottom or a war ship would locate a submarine with sonar. We also use sound waves/sonar when we use a  fish finder to find fish underwater and see how deep the water is.  

79 days to go!

I love you,


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