Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

76 days

Hello Emmett,

Where have all the STARBUCKS gone? I miss my coffee but my budget is happy we can't find a good cup anywhere here in SW Florida.

I drove to Miami about 3 weeks ago to pick up your Momma . I left about 5 am so I'd be at the airport when she arrived at 8. I thought I'd sneak out of the house a little early so i could get a good cup of coffee for the road. How fun to make my first trip across the state with a little help from my friends at Starbucks. I plugged it in the GPS and found one just a few miles away. I was in route to Interstate 75 which cuts the state in half just west of Miami all the way to Naples and is affectionately referred to as "Alligator Alley". Finally arriving at my pit stop my plans of clutching a warm cup of seattles finest were dashed. NO WAY! Closed? Looks like a Starbucks but it's been closed down and even has a "For Lease" sign in the window. I don't think I've ever heard of a Starbucks closing.

No worries I'll plug in another one and continue towards my destination. #2, a few miles further, also closed too! Last more before I hit the massive empty coffeeless everglades. I can't believe it. 3 Starbucks, 3 empty stores, 3 stained facade where the signs used to be, 3 strikes and I'm out! There will be no coffee for me this morning.

I was in a way relieved there were no Starbucks. I have to confess I use to spend a hundred dollars or more a month on our coffee habit. What do yo coffee for me on this trip and I managed to retrieve my package without one minute of unauthorized sleep. Caffeine....! I don't need you anymore. Starbucks...bye bye.'s your time for some love.

I love you and can't wait to meet you,


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