Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

82 days


The end of my weekend and tomorrow I'm back at it. I have a couple more free days at work before I go back into the class room to start the Radar portion of my certification here. The should take a couple months and I am excited to be finished. 

We took you to Port Charlotte to have dinner with my Aunt Joy and her husband Art. She is my fathers younger sister the number 2 of 5 children. Art is a great guy with a lot of funny stories to tell. We call him Art the Fart. They bought a new home here and plan to spend the winters here where it's warm. We had a nice time and it's great having family close. 

Today your Grandma and I went scuba diving. She has some real fear in the water and we think we'd like to start diving since it's warm here and there are lots of colorful fish. We decided to go on an orientation dive to make sure it was something we were going to like. She did great and I think we will plan to take lessons sometime in the next year or so.

We would like to go fishing and lobstering from under water. They use a long speargun to shoot fish under water. Other things to hunt under water are Lobster. You find them under rocks and use a stick to scoot them into nets.  

How lucky am I to have such a great partner in life willing to try anything? I hope you can fill in for her some times.

I love you Emmett

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