Adventure is MY name!! I AM EMMETT!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

68 days to you and an update on us.

Young Emmett,

Not much action on the blog this week because we have been very busy.

Momma:  She has been having a rough week and has spent most of her time resting. She will go to the Doctors office next week, between Christmas and New Years, to get an update and start some classes.

Poppop:   Your Great Grandfather has been going through Cancer treatment this year and we received good news this week that he would be getting his surgery earlier then expected. He and Mommom hope to visit you in May.

My sister kathy:  We got a phone call from her and she hopes to fly down in a month to help us settle in and see some sights.

Poppy and "Big Momma":  We took keys to your new home Tuesday and we have been cleaning, fixing, and painting. We will be busy with these activities until next Thursday when the movers bring our Furniture and things. We will be home then.

Christmas is in 2 days and we have a little shopping to do for you and your momma this afternon so we better get on with our day.

I Love you Emmett,


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